2013년 11월 23일 토요일

About 'united states population'|300,000,000: estimated population of the United States in October 2006

About 'united states population'|300,000,000: estimated population of the United States in October 2006

At               the               Missouri               Botanical               Garden               there               is               an               old               brick               building               that               sits               not               to               far               from               the               entrance.

It               is               one               of               the               oldest               buildings               at               the               garden,               dating               back               to               the               1800's.

Inside               is               a               gravel               path               and               different               types               of               plants               and               flowers               are               displayed               there.

Outside               there               is               a               small               lily               pond.

One               day               last               summer,               I               sat               on               one               of               the               concrete               benches               next               to               the               pond               after               walking               around               the               length               of               the               garden.

Out               of               the               corner               of               my               eye,               I               noticed               an               unusual               sight.

A               few               feet               from               me               there               was               a               Buddhist               monk               crouching               by               the               side               of               the               pond.

He               must               have               been               there               with               some               kind               of               tour               group               because               there               were               a               couple               more               shaven               heads               standing               near               him.

As               I               watched,               he               seemed               to               be               holding               something               in               his               hand.

As               I               looked               closer,               I               saw               that               it               was               a               giant               bumblebee.

The               bee               had               crawled               from               one               of               the               plants               onto               his               hand               and               he               was               sort               of,               well,               petting               it.

The               bee               didn't               seem               to               mind.

After               a               few               seconds               the               bee               flew               away               and               the               monk               returned               to               his               group.

A               lot               of               folks               think               that               bees               make               honey               and               provide               important               sex               education,               along               with               the               birds,               for               our               kids.

But               in               reality,               they               are               an               extremely               important               part               of               the               food               chain.

Over               seventy               five               percent               of               all               plants               need               birds,               bees,               and               bats,               as               well               as               other               creatures,               for               pollination.

Unfortunately               there               has               been               an               alarming               worldwide               reduction               in               the               number               of               honeybees               over               the               past               few               years.

The               reasons               are               familiar:               loss               of               habitat,               lack               of               nectar,               and               the               use               of               pesticides               are               all               thought               to               be               factors.

There               are               some               25,000               known               species               of               bees               around               the               world,               but               some               of               them               are               nearing               extinction.
               Recently               there               also               has               been               a               drop               in               the               number               of               honeybees               here               in               the               United               States.

It               seems               that               healthy               bees               are               suddenly               becoming               diseased               and               abandoning               their               hives.

Millions               of               the               insects               have               disappeared               and               their               whereabouts               are               unknown.

Scientists               have               coined               a               phrase               for               the               problem:               Colony               Collapse               Disorder               or               CCD.

There               are               signs               that               one               of               the               problems               the               bees               face               is               a               disease               that               resembles               HIV/AIDS               in               humans.

With               weakened               immune               systems,               the               bees               are               incapable               of               warding               off               disease.

Some               have               even               suggested               that               the               disappearances               may               be               caused               by               the               increased               use               of               cell               phones               and               cell               phone               towers.

Something               about               the               frequencies               disorientating               the               bee's               navigation               system.
               Anyway,               if               the               problem               continues               to               escalate,               it               could               seriously               affect               the               nation's               food               crops.

We               can               all               do               our               part               to               help               by               encouraging               natural               pollinators               to               visit               out               gardens.

Plant               flowers               that               are               native               to               the               region.

Many               hybrids               and               non-native               flowers               don't               have               enough               nectar               and               the               bees               starve.

You               can               also               install               a               bee               condo               and               stop               the               use               of               pesticides,               as               the               bees               are               very               sensitive               to               their               use.

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