2013년 11월 26일 화요일

About 'us debt.org'|The Hidden Tax They Won’t Tell You About…

About 'us debt.org'|The Hidden Tax They Won’t Tell You About…

A               friend               of               mine               was               recently               looking               into               a               debt-settlement               consolidation               company               and               I               thought               I'd               better               check               it               out               for               him               before               he               got               taken.

The               name               of               the               company               was               US               Debt               Associates.

Don't               bother               looking               them               up.

They've               disappeared               off               the               face               of               the               planet               again.

I               say               again               because               they               were               known               by               two               separate               previous               names.

Steps               to               finding               out               more               about               the               reputation               of               your               proposed               debt-reduction               company:
               Look               them               up               on               ripoffreport.com.

If               they've               been               in               business               for               any               amount               of               time,               surely               someone               will               have               complained               about               them.

If               they               are               not               listed,               that               is               not               necessarily               good               news.

They               may               be               such               a               new               con               artist               or               one               with               a               new               name               that               no               one               has               complained               yet.Google               their               business               name.

Just               type               in               the               name               of               their               business               in               your               Google               search               box               and               see               if               any               complaints               come               up.

Again               this               is               not               necessarily               good               news.
               Go               to               bbb.org.

Click               on               the               national               section               (not               on               your               state)               and               type               in               their               name.

If               it               does               not               appear,               the               company               is               too               new               to               be               rated               by               the               Better               Business               Bureau.

Now               that's               a               problem.

A               brand               new               company               has               no               reliability               history.

So               don't               even               consider               them.
               I               noticed               on               their               web               site               that               they               had               lots               of               little               symbols               representing               all               the               organizations               they               were               affiliated               with.

One               of               them               was               the               Better               Business               Bureau.

So               I               clicked               on               each               of               the               other               symbols               which               represented               various               credit               agencies               that               policed               the               industry               and               of               the               3               different               symbols               not               1               on               them               listed               my               company               as               being               a               member.

               So               I               spoke               to               an               employee               and               asked               him               how               long               he'd               been               working               for               the               company.

He               said,               "Fifteen               years".

I               asked,               "For               this               particular               company."               "Oh,               I've               been               in               this               industry               for               15               years,               they're               all               alike."               I               asked,               "But               how               long               for               this               company."               He               mentioned               something               about               it               having               a               former               name.
               So               I               looked               up               the               former               name               on               BBB.org               and               found               that               they               had               an               'F'               rating.

I               also               found               out               they               had               a               previous               name               which               also               had               an               'F'               rating.
               So               I               spoke               to               the               employee               again               and               he               admitted               that               they               had               been               both               of               those               companies               but               now               they               had               been               bought               out               by               "the               world's               largest               attorney               company-Frank               B               Lender"               and               their               problems               were               over.
               I               searched               and               searched               for               Frank               B               Lender               and               couldn't               find               him.

But               I               looked               back               at               their               first               name               of               the               company               and               it               contained               the               letters               FBL.

They               lied               so               much               you'd               think               their               tongue               would               fall               out               of               their               mouth               from               all               the               twisting               it               does.
               There               are               2               types               of               debt-reducing               companies.

One               of               them,               the               preferred               one,               will               negotiate               with               your               creditors,               get               your               interest               rate               and               payment               reduced               and               possibly               the               balance               due               as               well.

You               will               then               make               one               monthly               payment               to               them               and               then               they               will               send               a               check               to               each               of               your               creditors.
               The               other               type               of               company               does               the               same               thing               except               when               they               take               your               payment               they               accumulate               it               in               their               "account"               and               as               soon               as               the               balance               is               high               enough               to               pay               off               the               creditor               that               you               owe               the               least               amount               of               money               to,               they               send               that               creditor               payment               in               full               while               your               other               creditors               twiddle               their               thumbs               waiting               for               their               turn               to               get               paid.

Of               course,               your               largest               creditor               gets               paid               last,               (which               may               be               6               or               7               years               from               now).

Credit               card               companies               hate               these               kind               of               debt-reduction               companies               because               they               may               have               to               wait               years               to               get               any               payment               whereas               the               other               kind               of               debt-reduction               company               sends               them               something               every               month.

According               to               one               credit               card               company               I               spoke               to               they               consider               this               second               type               of               company               to               be               worse               for               your               credit               than               filing               for               bankruptcy.
               Be               careful               not               to               get               trapped               by               either               one               of               these               type               of               companies               that               might               be               unscrupulous.

If               you               choose               the               first               kind,               which               you               should,               make               sure               that               the               money               really               is               going               to               your               creditors.

After               making               your               first               payment               to               the               debt-reduction               company,               check               in               a               couple               weeks               with               your               creditors               to               make               sure               they               got               their               payment.
               As               always,               tread               very               carefully               in               this               unscrupulous               world.

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