레이블이 National Debt Year to Year인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 National Debt Year to Year인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 27일 수요일

About 'us debt by year chart'|...the self is constructed gradually by their calling. The graduates...and can’t be pursued directly. Most of us are egotistical and most are self...

About 'us debt by year chart'|...the self is constructed gradually by their calling. The graduates...and can’t be pursued directly. Most of us are egotistical and most are self...

               Solving               our               nation's               fiscal               problems               in               a               manner               that               is               fair               to               every               American               requires               honesty.

It               requires               that               we               understand               the               real               reasons               for               our               budget               deficits               and               not               repeat               the               mistakes               that               got               us               here.
               Our               national               debt               is               at               $14.3               trillion               dollars.

Currently               the               average               interest               rate               on               that               debt               is               about               3.2%               which               means               before               spending               a               penny               this               year               on               any               government               program,               $460               Billion               dollars               from               the               American               taxpayer               will               be               transferred               to               the               holders               of               our               debt.

Contrary               to               popular               belief               neither               China               (8%)               nor               the               combination               of               all               major               countries               in               the               world               own               the               majority               of               our               debts,               Americans               do.
               President               Reagan               came               into               power               in               1981               after               convincing               Americans               that               our               debt               was               out               of               control               inasmuch               as               at               that               time               compared               to               national               income               it               was               at               a               50               year               low.

Republicans               and               Democrats               alike               voted               for               Reagan's               budget               that               lowered               tax               rates               substantially               with               the               bulk               of               it               going               to               America's               most               wealthy               (trickledown               economics).

After               Reagan's               8               years               the               deficit               was               tripled.

The               deficit               grew               by               another               55%               under               George               HW               Bush               after               he               saw               the               light               of               fiscal               responsibility               and               broke               his               no               new               taxes               pledge.

The               budget               was               balanced               under               the               latter               year               of               the               Clinton               Administration               and               the               debt               was               actually               on               a               trajectory               to               decline.

The               budget               doubled               under               President               George               W               Bush               after               two               tax               cuts,               again               mostly               to               the               wealthy,               at               the               same               time               we               were               engaged               in               two               wars.
               America               had               its               largest               employment               growth               under               President               Clinton's               administration               and               its               poorest               employment               growth               under               President               Bush.

Trickledown               (supply               side)               economics               simply               does               not               work               and               most               reputable               economist               will               admit               as               much.

It               fails               especially               in               times               of               globalization               because               tax               cuts               to               the               wealthy               are               likely               not               invested               in               America               but               in               countries               where               growth               rates               are               higher               because               of               slave               labor               and               a               lower               standard               of               living.
               Over               the               last               30               years               we               have               dramatically               reduced               taxes               mostly               on               the               wealthy.

This               resulted               in               large               deficits               that               all               taxpayers               are               responsible               for.

Before               a               penny               of               taxes               is               used               for               entitlements,               defense,               and               infrastructure,               a               disproportionate               amount               must               first               be               transferred               to               mostly               the               wealthy               owner               of               the               debt.

Notice               they               profit               at               both               ends               as               they               are               able               to               keep               more               money               from               lower               taxes               and               then               purchase               the               US               debt               which               pays               them               a               good               interest               rate               over               time.

That               is               the               ultimate               in               wealth               transfer               from               the               middle               class               to               the               rich.
               Sadly               Republicans               have               decided               to               hold               the               middle               class               hostage               again.

They               want               to               lower               the               deficit               solely               by               lowering               spending.

In               other               words               the               real               genesis               of               the               budget               deficits               were               caused               by               tax               cuts               and               policies               that               benefitted               the               wealthy               but               the               pain               of               closing               the               gap               must               be               done               on               the               backs               of               the               middle               class.

The               rhetoric               must               not               be               believed.

While               we               must               remove               waste               from               our               entitlement               programs               our               real               problem               is               that               of               too               low               a               tax               rate               on               higher               incomes.

When               the               top               1%               gets               more               than               20%               of               the               country's               income               and               owns               more               than               40%               of               all               of               the               country's               wealth,               there               is               a               problem.
               While               it               is               true               that               2%               of               Americans               are               responsible               for               a               substantial               portion               of               taxes               and               less               than               60%               of               Americans               pay               federal               income               taxes               (though               they               pay               social               security,               Medicare,               state,               and               other               taxes)               one               must               ask               why.

It               is               not               that               the               top               2%               is               taxed               too               high;               it               is               that               they               own               most               of               the               wealth               and               income.

They               do               not               own               most               of               the               wealth               and               income               because               they               are               more               productive               than               the               average               middle               class               American.

They               own               the               wealth               because               of               a               structural               defect               in               our               economy               and               how               wealth               grows,               how               wealth               is               earned,               and               how               wealth               is               transferred.

After-all               the               middle               class               pays               social               security               taxes               on               all               their               income               while               the               wealthy               do               not.

The               working               person               pays               up               to               35%               of               their               income               in               federal               taxes               while               the               investor               pays               only               15%               on               his               capital               gains.
               The               point               is               we               created               an               economy               that               assigns               worth               arbitrarily               and               if               one               looks               at               value               to               society               those               that               control               capital               are               the               least               valuable               yet               they               are               the               wealthiest.

Yet,               our               teachers               who               are               the               foundation               of               our               nation               and               the               middle               class               must               fight               for               their               worth.
               My               Book:               As               I               See               It:               Class               Warfare               The               Only               Resort               To               Right               Wing               Doom               
               Book's               Webpage:               http://amzn.to/dt72c7               -               Twitter:               http://twitter.com/egbertowillies               
               Blogs:               http://EgbertoWillies.com               -               http://PoliticalTruths.info

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us debt by year chart
us debt by year chart

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    2013년 11월 25일 월요일

    About 'us debt chart by year'|... debt on their personal... us from gambling... by rest of the world... two charts. The first one...of USA for the year 2000. There ...

    About 'us debt chart by year'|... debt on their personal... us from gambling... by rest of the world... two charts. The first one...of USA for the year 2000. There ...

    First               off               we               are               experiencing               over               20%               real               unemployment               and               underemployment               according               to               Shadowstats.com.

    Here               is               the               chart               used               here               with               their               permission.

    Do               you               see               a               recovery               in               that               chart?

    Bottom               line               if               employment               is               not               improving               we               are               not               recovering               don't               buy               the               myth               about               a               jobless               recovery               that               is               a               lie.

    2011               is               going               to               be               worse               than               2010               but               there               are               things               you               can               do               to               prepare               your               family               for               inflation               and               an               economic               depression               that               is               close               to               already               being               here.

    On               inflation               just               to               back               up               my               thesis               Oil               is               climbing               once               again               it               is               nearing               $100               dollars               a               barrel               and               gas               in               Nebraska               where               I               live               is               over               3.00               again.

    Also               Sugar               has               reached               a               30               year               high               too               (               Raw               Sugar               Jumps               to               30-Year               High               )               along               with               world               food               prices               being               higher               than               2008               levels               that               sparked               food               riots               (               World               Food               Prices               Jump               to               Record               ).

    First               order               of               business               is               to               take               a               portion               of               your               savings               out               of               the               bank               and               just               have               as               cash               on               hand               at               your               home               or               near               your               home               in               safe               of               some               sort.

    This               is               to               prepare               for               any               kind               of               forced               banking               holiday               similar               to               the               depression               where               FDR               implemented               this               strategy               for               some               time               to               give               relief               to               the               banks.

    If               this               happens               today               and               you               can't               pull               money               out               of               the               bank               then               you               better               have               some               cash               on               hand.

    Also               there               could               be               bank               runs               too               and               it               might               take               a               few               days               for               the               FED               to               bring               enough               cash               to               cover               it.

    This               will               allow               you               to               still               buy               food               and               necessities               if               the               banks               are               closed               and               your               cards               don't               work               either.

    Just               remember               always               a               good               idea               to               have               some               money               in               your               direct               control               after               all               it               is               your               money.

    Water               is               very               pivotal               in               an               emergency               or               disaster               situation               much               more               important               than               food.

    Be               sure               to               have               at               least               enough               water               to               last               a               week.

    I               would               consider               at               least               1               gallon               a               day               per               person.

    You               could               buy               big               jugs               of               water               or               just               buy               a               gallon               at               a               time               which               might               be               better               for               later.

    Stock               up               your               cupboards               with               extra               food.

    A               good               way               to               do               this               is               to               just               buy               double               of               the               non-perishable               cans/dry               goods               that               you               would               normally               at               the               store               and               store               those               items               for               later.

    I               try               to               buy               extra               of               the               deal               items               and               store               them.

    A               few               things               to               have               for               sure               would               be               beans,               rice,               dehydrated               milk,               oatmeal,               sugar,               salt,               seasonings,               pasta,               sauce,               canned               fruit               and               vegetables.

    That               is               just               a               start               there               are               many               other               items               to               consider.

    Make               sure               to               have               enough               to               last               at               least               a               month               to               start               will               want               to               get               more               than               that               over               time.

    This               could               be               one               of               the               best               investments               you               make               is               buying               food               now               because               prices               are               set               to               rise               this               year               and               possibly               dramatically.

    Inflation               in               the               coming               year               will               make               this               look               like               a               brilliant               move.

    Consider               putting               some               of               your               dollar               savings               into               real               money               with               real               stability               and               purchasing               power.

    I               recommend               silver               over               gold.

    Silver               is               a               great               value               right               now               at               under               30/oz               so               anybody               can               afford               to               some               silver.

    Make               sure               to               buy               physical               silver               don't               buy               silver               stored               in               some               bank               vault               somewhere               that               you               don't               have               access               to.

    I               like               coins               over               bars               better               value               for               your               money.

    American               silver               eagles               are               great               because               they               are               .999               pure               silver               and               1               oz               exactly.

    You               will               pay               a               premium               over               spot               on               these               but               they               are               worth               it.

    Also               good               to               have               some               junk               silver               which               is               90%               silver               coinage               the               United               States               had               in               circulation               back               in               the               day.

    The               best               ones               of               these               are               Mercury               Dimes,               Barber               Dimes               and               Morgan               Dollars.

    Silver               will               help               you               maintain               your               purchasing               power               in               the               face               of               the               ensuing               inflationary               depression               we               will               soon               face.

    Put               your               IRA               or               401K               money               into               Precious               Metals               Funds               or               stocks               if               possible.

    This               could               help               you               have               a               great               a               return               on               your               retirement               in               2011.

    Pay               off               your               debt.

    Although               there               is               really               not               an               incentive               to               do               this               right               now               with               these               low               enforced               interest               rates               we               have               it               is               still               a               good               idea.

    Debt               is               financial               slavery.

    If               you               owe               money               to               a               bank               and               they               come               on               hard               times               do               you               think               they               might               push               you               to               pay               that               off???

    It               is               possible.

    Come               up               with               a               plan               to               pay               it               down,               start               with               your               credit               cards               first,               then               vehicle               loans,               medical               bills,               and               lastly               student               loans               and               mortgages.

    Not               only               will               paying               these               off               help               you               financially               to               be               more               flexible               and               liquid               and               able               to               handle               inflation               better               because               of               increased               discretionary               money               but               you               will               feel               better               too.

    Buy               some               non               food               items               that               will               be               useful.

    Toilet               paper               what's               worse               than               to               run               out               of               TP?

    Also               have               some               light               anywhere               matches,               candles,               and               a               kerosene               lamp               handy               in               case               the               power               goes               out.

    Other               useful               items               would               be               a               water               filter,               camp               stove,               emergency               crank               radio,               and               some               duck               tape.

    Also               should               stockpile               shampoos,               soaps,               and               detergents               too.

    In               a               depression               scenario               you               want               to               have               many               simple               things               that               could               do               a               lot               for               you.

    If               you               done               everything               above               and               still               have               money               left               then               consider               allocating               some               money               into               gold               and               silver               mining               stocks.

    I               like               EXK,               SVM,               SLW,               GRS,               as               a               good               place               to               start               look               but               do               your               own               research               and               due               diligence.
                   This               year               could               be               chaotic               and               scary               but               remember               to               keep               the               faith.

    Try               to               prepare               for               the               unexpected               and               you               will               feel               a               lot               better               when               it               does               happen.

    Don't               put               your               faith               in               your               preparation               but               rather               use               your               preparation               to               educate               others               and               as               way               to               share               the               good               news               of               Christ's               second               coming.

    I               believe               that               our               Savior               is               coming               soon               to               take               us               back               home               this               is               just               a               precursor               to               the               end               that               Satan               has               planned               to               deceive               us               all               if               it               were               possible.

    Be               vigilant               and               keep               reading               your               bible.

    Remember               to               most               importantly               store               up               your               treasures               in               heaven               like               Matthew               6:11               states.

    We               are               just               passing               through               this               world               this               is               not               our               home.

    Don't               lose               heart               because               it               is               always               darkest               before               dawn.

    Thanks               for               your               reading,               if               you               think               I               am               crazy               then               just               tell               me               so               below.

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      ...each of the past thirty years or so, total US debt (government, business, consumer...Domestic Product (GDP). (See chart below: ‘Total America...Grandfather Economic Report by Michael Hodges...

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